Sunday, August 11, 2019

Ethical Dilemma Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical Dilemma - Research Paper Example It is done to enhance breathing especially in patients who are intubated for a long period. The Code of Ethics for Nurses was produced as a guide for performing nursing responsibilities in a way steady with excellence in nursing care as well as the ethical requirements of the profession. The four main principles are autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice (Seifert, 2008). Autonomy principle states that every person must be given the time, respect, and opportunity essential to make her/his own decisions. The nurse should understand that patients have the right to make decisions basing on their beliefs as well as value systems. Patient’s choice and decisions should not be limited by a nurse. All patients should be given informed consent even as they make their decisions. This is a fair, equal as well as appropriate treatment to a person. Every patient has a right to health care. Thus, each patient should be treated equally regardless of ethnicity, socioeconomic status, race or gender (Seifert, 2008). This is a principle that means ‘do no harm’. It relates to nurses obligation to help the patient and not inflict any harm. The nurse should prevent as well as remove the harm from the patient. Furthermore, the nurse should do good to the patient. This principle is applicable where the bad effect must not be the means of the good effect, and the good effect must prevail over the evil that is allowed. The first code is that â€Å"the nurse in practices and relationships should act with compassion as well as respect for the innate work, dignity, and uniqueness of all individuals unlimited by considerations of economic or social status, personal attributes or the kind of health issue†. The nurse in this case should act with compassion empathize with the patients mother and respect her uniqueness. The second code is that â€Å"the nurse’s basic commitment is to the patient, who can be an individual, group, family or community. The nurse

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